BalinBac has 20 Repurposed Drugs that are Ready for Confirmatory Anti-COVID-19 Clinical Trials
The drugs are labeled, “BB-700 Series” [BB-700-BB-719]* The BB-700 Series drug comes from tested or marketed generic drugs. These drugs are FDA approved and been proven safe and effective for other indications and are available in large quantity to treat patients now. Time into human trials is significantly reduced.
*Patents are pending on all BB-700 Series drugs. Drug product component APIs are available/generic, providing freedom to operate
BB-700 Series Drugs are Combinations of Available/Generic Drugs
Each BB-700* Series drug is made up of two or more available/generic drugs which each have a different and unique anti-COVID-19 mechanism of action.
Like HIV antiviral treatment and cancer treatment, drugs and drug regimens with multiple mechanisms of action are more effective than single agents.
*Patents are pending on all BB-700 Series drugs. Drug product component APIs are available/generic, providing freedom to operate